Model kits

I've worked on my fair share of plastic crack in my time. Here are a few of my favorites!

Kotobukiya 1/144 Ace Combat ADFX-01

A model kit of a 1/144 ADFX-01 from Ace Combat Zero sitting on a desk. The photo is taken from a top down view showing expansive panel lining. A model kit of a 1/144 ADFX-01 from Ace Combat Zero sitting on a desk. The angle has it facing forward at a 3/4 angle instead of top down. A model kit of a 1/144 ADFX-01 from Ace Combat Zero sitting on a desk. The photo is zoomed in on its red wing and panel lining. A model kit of a 1/144 ADFX-01 from Ace Combat Zero sitting on a desk. The photo is focusing on the top mounted laser cannon and the texture of its rear fins.

One of my earliest kits, and a continuing favorite.

Waterslides, panel lining-I learned a lot from this particular model and I had a great time doing it!

Schwalbe Graze Technical Demonstrator Type

[1/144 HGIBO Schwalbe Graze]
A model kit of a Schwalbe Graze from Gundam IBO standing on a desk. The figure has been painted a matte steel color with blue, black and yellow accents. The rifle has been modified to look like a shotgun. A model kit of a Schwalbe Graze from Gundam IBO mounted on a stand. The figure is posed holding a long spear pointed downwards. A model kit of a Schwalbe Graze from Gundam IBO mounted on a stand. The figure is posed to appear as though it is in flight, with its left arm held out at a straight 90 degree angle and a grapple claw mounted on its wrist.

One of my earliest painted Gundam kits, this was my third attempt at such a customization. and though I bought it on impulse, I'm still really pleased with how it came out!

1/1000 Space Battleship Yamato 2202 (+1/1000 Yuunagi)

A model kit of the Space Battleship Yamato in the background, with a much smaller model kit of a missile ship next to it in the foreground. The model kit of the Yamato sitting in a dark room. A blue LED emanates from the bow and bridge, mimicking the Wave Motion Gun from the series.

This was my first kit that involved LEDs and plastic cement.

A huge learning experience for me, and though mildly irritating at times, I remain proud of it.

1/144 HG Ground Gundam Urban Combat Type

A model kit of a Ground Gundam. The unit is soot black, covered in chips and dust, and bears a Zeon logo on its right shoulder and 013 on its left. A close up of the Ground Gundam's shield. Like the Gundam, it is dusty and covered in scuffs and battle damage, represented with silver paint.

This one...was actually born of a screwup. The matte topcoat I planned to apply went on too thick and jammed everything together requiring me to strip it with 91% alcohol.

The end result, however, was a dusty weathered look I was very happy with!

1/144 HG Gundam Aerial "Ouja"

Picture of a completed HG Gundam Aerial model kit. The figure is posed standing in a darkened light box with its shield on its back and its gun at its side. The kit has been painted purple and gold in a metallic/glossy shade. Second picture of the same kit. The figure is posed with its shield on the left arm facing the camera, and its gun held at a 45 degree angle in the other hand.

This is the most recent one and I am very pleased with the end result. I had a rougher paint job prior and so I was a little nervous about it.

The color scheme and name came from a recently watched Kamen Rider series, being based off Kamen Rider Ouja from Ryuki (2002). Now with less steel pipes.

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